Error 524 - bridge response error, please check the api docs for this ajax response

when opening file manager the following message displays

Error 524 - bridge response error, please check the api docs for this ajax response

please help to fix it

Try to deactivate and reactivate you’re account!
Maybe that will help?


That error means the client area file manager got an invalid response from the server, which typically means something went wrong on the file manager server.

A few questions:

  • What’s the username of the account on which you experience this issue?
  • Does the file manager in the control panel (not client area) work?

user name : epiz_20453717

yes the file manager in the control panel

@mohank said:
user name : epiz_20453717

yes the file manager in the control panel

I’ve checked the issue and I see the same. However, as far as I can see it’s caused by Cloudflare. I’ve seen performance issues with Cloudflare all day now on our own sites as well as the sites of others. When bypassing Cloudflare, the file manager responded almost immediately.

I’m going to contact Cloudflare to find out more about this.

Awesome! Just a tip for anyone else, if it happens again, there are some pretty similar online file managers that use ftp. I like this one:

@SamGurdus said:
Awesome! Just a tip for anyone else, if it happens again, there are some pretty similar online file managers that use ftp. I like this one:

That one looks nice! I’ll check it out, maybe we can host it as well.

Also, note that the control panel also has a file manager which is likely not affected by this issue.

The issue was caused by a network capacity issue with the server provider who hosts our own websites. InfinityFree has been moved now to another datacenter, which should circumvent the issue. Can you access the file manager now?