Error during WordPress upgrade

Username (epiz_27209065)

Updating of wordpress failed (no progress on progress bar). Now it tells me there is a pending installation and will not install.

I seem to have lost my website.

I am instructed to uninstall wordpress and re-install. I am afraid that I may have lost all my data or will do after the process especially when I don’t know how or what I have to do exactly.

Can I get some help… please?


Welcome, check this out…

Anyway ur website is still working.

U can update WP thru Softaculous…


its says suspended domain, what is this ? something wrong from my domain provider side ?

cause couple of days ago i got this suspendeddomain error too but than working againg now error again.

Hv patience…I believe iFastnet is trying to resolve ASAP…


Yup, even I am also waiting…luckily some of my sites are using CF page rule (cache all) so website is still available.


That’s exactly what I was doing when the update crashed!

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