Export database

Hello, I’m trying to backup my wordpress database however, the db_name / db_user / db_passeword / db_host information does not appear. I did all the procedures and also went to the knowledge bank and made the requests as requested at least 5 times and nothing. The information I see is NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO / TABLE IF NOT EXISTS.
What can it be? Need help.
site: pedrosantospro.com

Short answer is: you can find those information inside control panel > MySQL databases.

Those information are separated from your database structure, since it will be used (and required) in order to make a connection to your database, which is the content of your backup.

Also, those information may be vary depending on your new database environment, even though it was of the same application. i.e. using MySQL in InfinityFree may use different credential in your localhost’s MySQL.

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