File manager problem

Yes, FileZilla is working just fine. Please just use that instead of the online file manager.

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ok but how do i check the website?
like open it in my web

Hello, You might be new here. Is that correct?

So let me explain FTP Servers.

Your files for your Website are in a useful thing called an FTP Server.
You can connect to the FTP Server using a Username and Password using the information given to you in the InfinityFree Client Area.

You can get your information by going to the Client Area and choosing the account you want and look for the Username and Password.

The Port for most FTP Servers (Including InfinityFree) is the number 21 and the host for the InfinityFree FTP Server is

Type the information in and Connect to it then select the htdocs folder and upload your files.

If you didn’t know, you can make an index.html file and add content to it and it will be the default page when someone visits your website otherwise they would be greeted with the Directory Listing screen.

If you still don’t understand, feel free to reply.

(Edit: Thanks for removing the possibly offensive sentence because I had no idea it was offensive as I had no idea how to make that sentence a little less harsh.)

hey thx i understand. but i have an php on my website and idk how to connect. heres my code for conection :

$dbhost = "185.XX.XX.XXX";
$dbuser = "epiz_30743613";
$dbpass = "XXXXXX";
$dbname = "epiz_30743613_users";

if(!$con = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname))
	die("failed to connect!");


so heres my code for conection but idk what to put in those fields ($dbhost , $dbuser , …)
i was doing it with a tutorial but it was just for localhost

You should know basic PHP before making such applications. Also in future make sure to wrap your code with ```. Coming to your code,

  • $dbhost = “185.XX.XX.XXX”; = the value should be your SQL server found in the client area. See image for example.

  • $dbuser = “epiz_30743613”; correct :white_check_mark:.

  • $dbpass = “XXXXXX”; = it is your account password.

  • $dbname = “epiz_30743613_users”; correct :white_check_mark:.



ok i connect but when im creating the table (in database ) i save it the go to the database to see the table there and its not there

So is the database in the PHPMyAdmin control panel or not?

Also, please note that there is an ongoing outage at this time as well.

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control panel > phpmyadmin > connect > and i create an table and i save it , then i go back to the database and the table is not there (i will read the thing in sec)

That sounds related to the outage above, please read the topic I posted.


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I’m not sure if this is related to the outage. It might also be that your database table definition has an error, and due to phpMyAdmin weirdness the error message is not shown properly.

Does phpMyAdmin actually show a message saying the table was created successfully?

Could you share a screenshot showing the table definition you’re trying to create?

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part 1:

part 2:

In your second video, it looks like you didn’t let phpMyAdmin finish the task.
Once you press “Go”, wait for it to redirect you back to the “Structure” page.
This can take up to 15 seconds, it isn’t always instantaneous.

Please try waiting for it to redirect you automatically.


you mean when im creating the table or when its already modified

When you create the table, you must let phpMyAdmin complete the task. You will know it’s done when it redirects you without an error.



so when im creating the table i click “go” and it redirects me somewhere else than the place where i set the things?

or when i already did the things like set the collons

Please see this demonstration:

Once you press save, it takes about 3 seconds, then it returns you to the “Structure” tab.
There, you should see the new table you created.


Yes, once you click “go”, don’t touch it. It will automatically redirect you, and give you a success message once it finishes.