File upload error

file upload error

Upload failed

I could not upload WordPress or any other zip file. When I start uploading, it starts but after completion error shows that file could not transfer to server or sometime it says file upload error etc.
Please tell me how to fix it ?
Can I install WordPress on free hosting ?

You need to extract the zip file of WordPress on your computer, upload the files inside the wordpress folder to your htdocs folder with a FTP client, create a database from the “MySQL Databases” section of your Control Panel and on the WordPress installation page, that can be accessed by typing your domain into your browser, configure the database to use the new database host, its name, and the username and the password you can find on the same page of the Client Area you used to open the Control Panel of your website, scrolling down to “Account Details” and clicking on “Show/Hide” to show the password. After the database configuration is done correctly, you can decide the name of your website, the admin credentials and the email to put, and whether you want your website to be indexed on Google, and then click on “Install”. If the database configuration didn’t go well, go to your File Manager and edit htdocs/wp-config.php with the correct database details, and then go to http://yourdomain/wp-admin/install.php, where yourdomain can be replaced with your domain, to complete the installation.


Thanks for reply;

I tried to connect Filezilla FTP. but this error show

Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to serve

I tried to upload via “Online File Manage” also. but it is not uploading zip file even 1MB zip file.

Can you please share the full connection log from FileZilla? That will give us some more information as to where in the connection the issue is.

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