Files not getting synced

I am new to this platform. My problem is that , the file I uploaded are not being displayed in the site . Its showing a default template only. I have removed the two default files from htdocs. Can you help me?

Delete default files and upload yours, if you did already — I’d like to know your website link and if you’re using cloudflare. If possible show your directory listing as well…

Please make sure your website file is uploaded directly to the htdocs folder (not a subdirectory) and that the home page of your website has the file name index.php or index.html (all lowercase, file names are case sensitive).

Hello , thanks for the reply . I would like to know if I am supposed to put the files in a directory named as the subdomain.

Can I put the files in the htdocs folder in the home directory ? When I do so I cant access the files.

@jamejohn said:

Can I put the files in the htdocs folder in the home directory ? When I do so I cant access the files.

You should check the Addon Domains and Subdomains section in your control panel. Those sections list the domains currently attached to your account as well as the main directory of those websites.

If the domain directory ends with epiz_123456789/htdocs, you need to upload the files to the main htdocs directory. If it ends with epiz_123456789/, you need to upload your files to the htdocs folder in the folder.