Fonts are not accessible by JPgraph


I am using JPgraph which uses fonts from system font list.
However in infinityfree, JPGraph shows error regarding fonts which are not readable at ‘/usr/share/fonts’
Hereafter you’ll find the error that it shows:


By cheking the web, i found that it is related to the hosting server. Please see the response in the following stackoverflow topic.

So basing on it, can we know the location of ttf fonts in this server?

Thanks and best regards,

Please have you any information?

As additional information, please check the full message that it appears:

25092 There is either a configuration problem with TrueType or a problem reading font file "/home/vol7_1/" Make sure file exists and is in a readable place for the HTTP process. (If 'basedir' restriction is enabled in PHP then the font file must be located in the document root.). It might also be a wrongly installed FreeType library. Try upgrading to at least FreeType 2.1.13 and recompile GD with the correct setup so it can find the new FT library.

Thank you

I have checked your account, and I cannot find a folder libraries in your htdocs folder. I can see a libraries folder in your main account directory, but those are just empty directories because you cannot upload files outside htdocs directories.

Can you please try to upload the libraries folder to your htdocs folder? That should make sure the file exists.

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Dear @Admin,

Thank you for your feedback.

The libraries folder is in the right place “htdocs/libraries”. maybe when you checked, I was doing a remove all files in the “htdocs” folder in order to re-upload them trying to solve the problem.

Please check the following screenshot:

Best regards,

if it helps

Dear @Oxy,

Thank you for the help.
I’ve followed the checks proposed in the second

The check in the section Verifying TTF fonts doesn’t pass properly.
Please check the expected result of the proposed script:

But the result of my execution gave a blank image

Thanks and best regards,

I can not help you because only the Admin can see where it is stored and if contain the necessary files (fonts) and whether all requested locations (in various php files) are correct (path or name).

Dear @Oxy,

Thank you for your time.
I appreciate your support.

Dear @Admin,
Can you please help me in order to know the exact location of the fonts in the server with permission to be accessible by php process?

Thank you.

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Referring back to the original error message, I see that the libraries folder structure looks OK now and are at the right place. However, I don’t see a file arialbd.ttf in that folder, only some other fonts. Can you please make sure that all required fonts have been uploaded?

Also, there isn’t a directory with system fonts available to use in your software. If you need to use any fonts, I think you’ll have to upload all of them yourself to your account (even common ones).

Dear @Admin,

Thank you for help, but currently i don’t have access to my FTP folder and not to my dabase
Database screenshot


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