Free SSL creation problem

Current Destination (not found) Not Ready

I requested a free SSL two days ago and it’s still pending. Did I do something wrong?

Go to the dashboard for your domain, click “Free SSL” on the top navigation bar, it will tell you your SSL status.

It’s pending, and it says:

Please set up the validation checks shown above. As soon as the validation is completed, we’ll create your SSL certificate.

Ok, you need to create the 2 CNAME records listed on that screen than.

Record Name, Domain, and Destination are all set, only Current Destination is missing.

Can you send a screenshot? I’m not sure I understand

Have you created the CNAME records yet? If you have, it can take up to 24 hours (but generally around 4-5) for that red “Not Ready” box to change to green. Once its green, you can continue to the next step.

The CNAME records must be equal to the destination, but without “”

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Problem solved. Thank you.


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