Frequent 502 Bad Gateway


I currently run my administration panel for a longer period now on your webhost. Website is

Last 2 months my website is most of the times unreachable by 502 gateway error resulting in me and my staff not able to use the administration panel to either restart our gameservers or work on them.

Why do i get this error and how can we solve this issue?


A 502 Error would be caused by something on a PHP Script. It could potentially be a timeout on a page or it could be something else.

Could you provide more detail? Is it happening only on one page or multiple?

What does your site do? Ie: does it send multiple GET/POST Requests or does it have a large amount of PHP in general?

Well tbh i don’t know. the software is called Open Game panel. And i never had this before untill last few months loading in certain pages of the panel like the dashboards or the administration section.

Sometimes it works but suddenly getting that error 502

This seems to be a server problem by the looks of it as your not the only one facing this problem currently. All we can do is wait till @Admin explains the problem and while staff try to fix it.

I think maybe because of this


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Well that is kinda bs, since i setup a failsafe on my machine at home with also cloudflare that uses the london server and it has totally no issue while still have the 502 gateway issue on infinityfree. I have redundancy setup so i can still manage my community servers.

Oh and forgot to meantion i didn’t had cloudflare setup on infinityfree so explain that one too admins

Also @Admin:

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