FTP Error : Response: 421 2900 users (the maximum) are already logged in, sorry

I can’t seem to log into my FTP account today. My account authenticates, but your servers keep kicking me out with the following message. And my account should only have one user.

Response: 421 2900 users (the maximum) are already logged in, sorry
Error: Could not connect to server

@hmonglish said:
I can’t seem to log into my FTP account today. My account authenticates, but your servers keep kicking me out with the following message. And my account should only have one user.

Response: 421 2900 users (the maximum) are already logged in, sorry
Error: Could not connect to server

@hmonglish Try again later, Sorry

It means the FTP server is a bit busy. The FTP servers, like all other servers with any shared hosting, are shared among multiple customers so the 2900 connections is all accounts on that FTP server.

Thanks, glad to know it wasn’t something I was doing wrong.