Ftp errors

I am writing this post,as a MOFH reseller because i am facing this issue:
i cannot login using ftp.
Anyways,to all of you,webud.xyz users and infinityfree users i am telling you:
Someone is DDOS-ing the ftp servers
So stop creating threads saying ftp is not working


I hope this problem can be resolved quickly :frowning:

Well,MOFH admins have to do that.

ill make a ticket and if does not work ill try to call them


thanks. I hope this problem can be resolved quickly

This post is revived because someone is ddosing ftp again.
After the ddos stops, avoid uploading large files and if you can avoid connecting at all.

In the meanwhile,and even after,please, and I repeat, PLEASE, don’t make duplicate topics about the same issue!

It’s now fixed, as I said from the post I originally posted:

Someone keeps ddosing MOFH

I was told it were stability issues resulting from maintenance this time, not attacks. But if you know for sure it’s an attack…

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