FTP GnuTLS Error

Username: epiz_30947861

Error Message

Status: Resolving address of ftpupload.net
Status: Connecting to…
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
Status: Initializing TLS…
Status: TLS connection established.
Status: Logged in
Status: Retrieving directory listing…
Status: Directory listing of / successful
Status: Retrieving directory listing of /htdocs/wp-content…
Command: CWD /htdocs/wp-content
Response: 250 OK. Current directory is /htdocs/wp-content
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (185,27,134,11,95,50)
Command: MLSD
Error: GnuTLS error -110: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
Status: Server did not properly shut down TLS connection
Error: The data connection could not be established: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted

Other Information

I’ve tried Filezilla, WinSCP and SmartFTP with no success.


How large is the file you are trying to upload?

I’m not uploading any files, just accessing a folder.


It looks like your network tries to connect to FTP with passive mode and TLS and tries to access the folder, but the folder can’t be opened successfully. Can you try to connect with Plain FTP encryption method and with active FTP mode instead of using Explicit TLS and passive mode at the moment and try again?

Reply repurposed from @Ergastolator1

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How would I do that using filezilla?

I’ve switched it to Active FTP with Plain FTP and it now times out before I’m able to complete any uploads.

Here are the working FTP settings I use with FileZilla:

That didn’t work

Explicit TLS with Passive mode works best in most circumstances, but depending on your network settings, it may not work.

Looking at the logs, it says TLS connection established., which means you can (and should) keep the TLS settings to “Explicit TLS”.

But you do see the server switching to Passive mode, and the next command fails. Which means Passive FTP doesn’t work.

You could try switching to Active mode and see if that helps. You could also try connecting over a VPN, or check your router settings and toggle the FTP ALG option if it exists.

Those all look default, which is what works for most people. But some networks don’t work so well with FTP, so these settings don’t work for them. So just because they work for you doesn’t mean they work for someone else too.

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