FTP server down, many websites are unreachable

Thanks for the information sir, I hope it can be repaired as soon as possible

I have a question … I entered the “Google search console” and I can not index my website, is this due to the problem that FTP servers are experiencing?

Starting roughly four hours ago, it seems that more and more website IP addresses are slowly starting to come back up. Almost all servers seem to be back up now. At the current rate, it should only be an hour or so for everything to be back up again!


every thing gets ok! thank u!

My web site is up & running. THANK YOU Infinity for the FREE service. Sorry so many people have complained, & are just never happy even when things in life are FREE. I for one appreciate it!

Also, the problem might not be the website rather the people. Looks like there are a LOT of I WANT MY WEB SITE WORKING NOW which indicates there might be many of the younger generation using this service. If you kids don’t like the service, get a JOB & pay for it!


502 Bad Gateway for my site :frowning:

My site is up and working again, thank you so much for your hard work and for providing such an excellent free service!

Problemas resolvidos meu site já está na ativa, obrigado pelo emprenho no trabalho!

My site is up and working again, thank you so much for your hard work and for providing such an excellent free service!

I’m sorry if my report yesterday was unpleasant, thanks a lot admin :grin:

Yeah! Greetings to everyone here!
All servers are now up, all from services are now running… And all websites are up now!

#My Website is Now down.
My website, Porridge Inc, was acessible a few hours ago. However, when I just checked the website, the website was down. This is weird as everyone else’s website are already alright.


Well, so far so good, anything seems to be working again except one thing, if i open my website, it shows me a website from somebody else but not my one. How that can bee?


This site can’t be reached

loaddown.ml ’s server IP address could not be found.

  • [Try running Windows Network Diagnostics](javascript:diagnoseErrors()).


All web servers are back up again. If you still experience any issues with your website, please submit a new topic as usual (in the Support Forums category and fill in the topic template). It’s easier for everyone if we don’t have to discuss ten different questions from ten different people in the same topic.

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