My website URL is: nexusforums.ga

So basically it seems like the FTP Servers are down again. I Can’t access my FTP And due to that my website is obv. also down.
It’s a pretty bad situation for me since it’s a forum and has users that come back and then will be greeted with the good 'ol 404 error screen

What I’m seeing is: Errors.

Now whenever i try to go to the FTP It gives me this error:
Unable to login to FTP server 185.27.:::::::: with username epiz_232[BLURRED] .

Are you sure your username and password are correct? Please contact your ISP helpdesk or system administrator for help.

And when I Click on show techincal details it says the following

I’m using this software:

Additional information:

For me the FTP server and the website work fine without any error. Maybe there is another issue that makes any person angry, another account issue that makes any account and website throw a 404 Error when you see it. Someone should contact iFastNet for that.

admins help

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