Ftp upload speed is terrible

Please help me, i am connecting from Hanoi.

The speed its slow not only with software, so i think is slow, first because your internet, second, because the web is extremely slow( im uploading some items now) so check your internet speed, if is not that, you cant do more, the web is so slow

Can you try to upload using FTP Clients(which are best) and what is your upload speed?

I tried uploading some files and the speed was good, try checking your internet connection

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Try Filezilla, for a start

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FTP is slow because the protocol has quite a bit of overhead related to establishing data transfers and sending commands. The transfer speed on the server is fine, but since you’re typically transferring many small files instead of one big one, transfer speed is not the main limiting factor.

That said, I would recommend to use FileZilla and crank up the number of concurrent connections. Some FTP clients upload the files one by one. FileZilla can upload them with 10 at a time.


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