Getting Rid Of This Welcome Page

Getting rid of that bloody page that blocks what my home page should be. It has no direction other than frustrate someone. " Let’s Make Something Awesome" I would like to but how can i with this intrusive nonesense infont of me.

You will not get upgrades with this kind of coooocooo bushie bull shit…if you don’t like what i just said then fuck you and delete the account i’ll go elsewhere or do do the right thing and get rid of that page and let me do my thing…

You can get rid of it with removing index2.html, I don’t see any welcome pages in your site, please do wait to try to solve the issue rather than frustrating.

Get the rid of it yourself! just do what I said and clear your cache.


Your website is working fine on my end. Just clear your browser’s cache and reload it.


Please don’t be rude


Generally, when people offer things for free, you are nice to them, :slight_smile:


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