Hey u admin why the hell are you deleting my topics

Please read the whole issue (post)

This is my question too. Why are you giving that domain and why do you think we want it?


maybe as another public subdomain, but idk. i dont think it is a good domain

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I somehow liked infinityfree and so I thought let me offer them my unused domain so that it can be used wisely and widely…
Gift is gift a offering :gift_heart:

Let head @Admin decide. For many it’s good and for many it’s bad…

pinging admin does nothing. its disabled


The issue with your “gift” is that it takes money to transfer and maintain. Not a lot of money, sure, but it seems quite wasteful to own domain names which you have no purpose for.


I wonder if that’s why he’s trying to get rid of it. He’d have a better chance trying someone else rather than continuing to insist a specific company should accept it.

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No need to transfer I will give you the admin rights of domain via domain provider.

I goona pay for 10 year and more to come.

Why it’s wasteful then ??

I am not trying to get rid of . Is a dog or cat that needs proper daily maintenance ??



I said why it’s wasteful then ??

I booked this for a project but eventually the project name was changed so I bought another one. I thought to gift to you and you are saying it wasteful !! I haven’t seen such incident where when a gift was offered the opposite party said this :disappointed_relieved:

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What we’re trying to say is that it’s also wasteful to give it to a company that also doesn’t have a use for it.

Are you trying to make a comparison, or comment on my username? If the later than you’re getting even more off topic than you already are.

I’m not trying to be ungrateful. I just think that it’s a waste of money that either of us pays for the upkeep of a domain which neither of us needs.


No i haven’t had that intension, instead i saw your username properly now. I was trying to say that Is a domain is like a cat or dog that need daily maintenance ?

I thought that you can add it to your hosting just like other domains are which can be taken by a user as a subdomain.

Depending on how you use it, perhaps not daily but you do have to pay for it yearly, and for IF to use it in the way you suggest they’d have to add it to their system.

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[Why is my comments getting flagged as spam when all I’m asking the person is "
Hey, did you link jquery to your site?"]

I am sorry to bring this up, but this action was kind of confusing when all i tried to do is help him on his Topic " Php Script & Query not Working"

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Hey, did you link jquery to your site?

Reading through the community guidelines… it doesn’t seem like a spam to me. Or is it?

Explained on a DM, it is counted as spam if you reply to old topics which its creator nomore accepts responds.