How do I smoothly switch from one domain to another?

OLD url:
NEW url:
Hi! I was planning to switch to another domain (
I’ve backed up everything, transferred everything, now my only problem is having current users know of a URL change.

I plan to delete this domain ( in about a week or two (lol, to make space for other hosting accounts :wink: )

So, should I use .htaccess and redirect them, show a banner at the top of the page, and warn users to use the new URL?

Please note that this is a backend app, and the SQL databases & tables in the new one are a bit outdated from the old one. (Doesn’t this sound weird?) I have to keep on exporting and importing the databases. So literally one domain is OK, and the other domain is way behind (if anyone logs in with the same account, the data will differ)

Implement a 301 redirect from your old homepage to your new homepage

and is recommended due to GSC


Thanks! I’ll try this out…


NP and YW :slight_smile:
create an .htaccess file with this content at

Redirect 301 /

and you leave it like that for two or three months
so even the google bot knows that there is a change of address and all the SERP
to change to a new address


and then you can write on a new website
something like:

As you can see we changed the address
please add this address to bookmarks / favorites
Thank you


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