how to change error loading pages

Whenever a link doesn’t work on my site it shows the error 404 in which the hosting name is clearly shown
Which can be easily seen by my visitors
I don’t want to show them my hosting so how can I change the error pages

Go into “Control Panel” scroll down and look for “Error Pages” click on it. Then select the right domain and press “Alter ErrorPages” then paste in links/urls to your custom error screens.

Hope this helped :slight_smile:

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but should I remove inifinityfree

@download said:
but should I remove inifinityfree

That’s up to you, but honestly i left all the error pages on my website default.

I am putting url as
But it is showing: The domain name entered http:// for 401 status code appears to be invalid 1 The domain name entered http:// for 401 status code appears to be invalid 3

The simplest way is to edit .httaccess file inside of your htdocs folder

my example

# error redirect
ErrorDocument 400
ErrorDocument 401
ErrorDocument 403
ErrorDocument 404
ErrorDocument 503

Of course, the error pages with the same names must exist


thanks oxy dac


make sure that the address of these pages is absolute (start with http/s)
and not relative

because if is relative…
when someone comes to the subfolder of the subfolder and ask something that does not exist or does not have permission it will appear infinityfree error pages not your custom

I can help you to create your own custom responsive “404 not found” error page simply follow my instructions here: