How to let my email host verify my domain name

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My email host ProtonMail asks me to add a TXT record in my nameservers which now is InfinityFree. But it looks like the InfinityFree does not support TXT record. Is there another way I can get this done while still maintain my web host with InfinityFree?

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You can technically use the SPF record section in the cPanel. If you are using CloudFlare, you can add a TXT record there, just do not proxy it.


are you david dong?

Before I even get to SPF record, ProtonMail asks me specifically to add a TXT record to verify the domain, as below. Only after this step, the SPF tab is enabled.

Please add the following TXT record:

Type Host name Value / Data / Points to
TXT @ Copyprotonmail-verification=d9aa384a4725143dc198a

Yes I’m.

Have you run into this situation where a TXT record needs to be added in InfinityFree because its nameservers are in use as my domain name servers? The dilemma is InfinityFree doesn’t allow me to add TXT record.

Sadly, I have not. But I read your website and nice work!

Use CloudFlare

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If you set that Value as an SPF record through our panel, it will work.

SPF records are not actually a different DNS record, they are just TXT records with a different format. And our SPF Records tool doesn’t validate the data entered in it, so you can use it for other TXT records than SPF records too.

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