How to not get suspended on uploading explict content

I have a social media site which is hosted on infinityfree.
We know a social media allows the users to upload contents as they wish.

The problem is that , what if some user upload contents which are explict and are beyond infinityfree’s terms of use such as 18+ contents? Will my site be suspended?

If so how can i setup a procedure that whenever the user uploads any content i can review and check for any limitation before allowing to post?

If i cant setup that procedure , I want to request infinityfree not to suspend my site if any content is invalid because it was not me who uploaded it. It was some random user who uses my site. I will review every content everyday and remove any content with invalid data. So please donot suspend my site.

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That is unfortunately one of the downfalls of a social media site in free hosting. Because you are responsable for all content on your website, you will be suspended if forbidden content is found. It does not matter how it got there, you are responsable for it.

For this reason, we don’t recommend you allow users to upload their own content to your site (Perhaps it gets emailed to you for verification, then you publish it manually).


If we get complaints about the contents of your site, we’re going to take action. If you don’t want that to happen, you need to actively check and moderate the content on your site.

We do have some automated content scanning but cannot realistically detect any bad content uploaded in any form.

So you’re free to run a social network, as long as you make sure it’s kept clean, and it’s not just an unchecked free haven where all kinds of bad stuff is being distributed.