How to publish "coming soon"page

My website URL is:

What I’m seeing is:

how to publish only one page (coming soon *make it live)

I’m using this software:

i am using mac
Additional information:

Do you mean How to delete? just delete index2.html file in htdocs via file manager.

I think he said “change the main page to coming soon page” probably need to move trafics to specified page. (ok maybe I didn’t understand something)

Ah, but they’ve to delete index2.html first, then create index.html with Coming soon in it.


thank you guys, yes, i want to first to turn on my website, currently i dont see anything on my website. how can i publish it? do i need to delete the index2.html? how can visiters see the page?

What is “it” that you would like to publish? A coming soon page is just another website, which you can install like you would install any other website. We don’t have any special option which you can click to enable a maintenance or coming soon page or anything like that.

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