I can not login to my website

Username epiz_28236960

(please specify the website or account you are asking about)

Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder::create: Jalur tidak berada di jalur open_basedir

Gagal melakukan otentikasi: Akses Ditolak

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)

On our hosting, websites are not allowed to access files outside of their own htdocs folder. This is enforced with open_basedir restrictions.

This error means that Joomla is configured to write files outside of your website directory. Which configuration that is and what is should be instead is hard to say without more information.


Sekarang persoalannyaa lain lagi. Sayaa bisa masuk ke situs saya, tetapi templat yang muncul adalah templat localhost, seperti ini:


Situs ini sedang dalam pemeliharaan.
Silahkan periksa kembali beberapa saat lagi.

Mengapa ini tidak bisa laangsung masuk ke homepage saya? Mohon pencerahannya.

Please type in English or use an online translator, as this is an English form. Thanks.

Also we need your full domain to be able to help you out better. Ex. www.yourdomain.com



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