I cannot login to cPanel

I ave three passwords, I set one when I registered to infinityfree, I got one when I installed Wordpress, and I got one in email. Infinityfree sent me this email including a username, password, main domain etc. None of the passwords work. Where can I get a new, working password?

It’s yet another password. The control panel password is the one you see when you go to https://app.infinityfree.net , find your hosting account in the Accounts list and click Manage. In the Account Details panel is a password.

Which password do you say was emailed to you? We don’t email any passwords.

And if you have used the password reset functionality of the control panel, then you need to reset your password again through the client area and never use that reset functionality again. You can edit the account password from the account page in the client area and then going to the Edit Account page.


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