I can't change DNS

Boa tarde amigos, preciso de ajuda alterei os DNS no registro br, para ns1.epizy.com e ns2.epizy.com mas não estou conseguindo alterar já transferi os meus arquivos do meu site aqui para o InfinityFree cujo o domínio é.com.br contudo preciso desta ajuda para colocar meu site em rede, desde já agradeço

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Good afternoon friends, I need help I changed the DNS in the br registry, to ns1.epizy.com and ns2.epizy.com but I’m not able to change it already transferred my files from my site here to InfinityFree whose domain is.com.br however I need this help to put my site on the network, I thank you

What’s the error?

It is a little hard to understand what you want, is this what you are looking for?


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