I can't do a cron job

Salam. Web sitemde her 12 saatden bir dosyanin calişmasi için cron kullanmak istiyorum. Ama yapmamiyorum. Yardima ihtiyacim var

This is an English only forum, please speak in English, or use a translator

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Salami. I want to use cron to run a file every 12 hours on my website. But I can’t. I need help

Hi and welcome to the forum! Please note that this is an English community forum, and so:

Since you didn’t do all of those, I will translate that for you:

Seeing everyone above is ignoring Original Poster’s actual issue:
@Elvin94 Maybe try to set hours to 12 and minutes to 2 to see if it works? the cron job works a bit weird.


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