I can't point my free domain to cloudflare

Username epiz_29719973

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I can’t point my free domain to cloudflare

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I registered a free domain on infinitefree:
Is it possible to enable cloudflare on this domain?

I should point it to my CloudFlare nameservers, but I can’t find the location where I do this.

Sorry, IF has discontinued cloudflare for free domain. Pls, try using a paid one. .xyz starts at ~$0.99

You can use free domains on Cloudflare, there is no issue with that.

You can only use custom domains (Not sub-domains) with Cloudflare. If you want a free domain name, you can get it from Freenom.

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Cloudflare doesn’t support subdomains, so no. You’ll need to get a custom domain name for that.

What’s that referring to?

Cloudflare has never supported subdomains. Free domains are still supported by us and by Cloudflare.

The only thing we did is remove our Cloudflare integration because it was troubled. But you can just use Cloudflare yourself. It’s something you can use to setup your website, it’s not a hosting feature.


how can I set cloudflare on my free domain? Can I change nameservers?

What do you mean by free domain?

If you are referring to free subdomains, then no. Cloudflare doesn’t accept them and we don’t let you use custom nameservers for it.

If you’re referring to a custom domain you happened to get for free, then you can change the nameservers in the same way you did when you set your domain up with us.


Please read:


It’s a freenom domain. When I try to add it to cloudflare says me

Failed to lookup registrar and hosting information of erservidoh.ml at this time. Please contact Cloudflare Support or try again later.

So follow those instructions


Freenom is having problems with their lookup and cloudflare will not work. Trust me, I’ve tried.

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I had added a few free domains from Freenom to Cloudflare.
Sometimes, Cloudflare says lookup failed but keep trying.
I noticed newly registered free domain can’t be immediately added to Cloudflare.
Maybe you can try after a few days.

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I think first point your freenom domain to the assigned cloudflare nameservers. Then try to add it. This works every time for me, even for paid one’s.

That’s not going to make a difference. Also, new account holders will not know their nameservers until they add their domain.

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Yes that’s true though.

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