I can't see my website


Good morning! I’ve upload the files of my website on friday’s January 20th and I still can’t see it, eveytime I’ve tried to enter a page with a message that says " Let’s Make Something Awesome
Your account is all set up, it’s time to build your website!" when I already uploaded my files. Help me please! And I apologize if I misspelled any word, englis is not my main language.

Welcome @Xovita_b :raised_hands:!
Are you sure you’ve uploaded your files into the /htdocs folder?

Lemme know if you need more help!

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Yes! I’ve uploaded there

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Can you share the screenshot of the filemanager with the files? (a whole picture is good)

Yes! I’ve uploaded there

Delete the file index2.html. Done, then clear your cache (optional). Also rename your Index.html to index.html (capital I)


Try clearing your cache.


It worked!!! Thank you so much all!!!

Feel free to mark any answer as SOLVED.

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