I don't want to change my nameservers

I am trying to use a domain that I own with namecheap for my website.
Some of the other forums on this site say that i can change my nameservers back to namecheap once I verified that I own the domain. So where do I go from here? How to I like my domain to my website?

Change your domain nameservers to ns1.epizy.com and ns2.epizy.com and then make an account with infinityfree with that domain.
After you get your account activated you can change your namservers to any dns server and use A record to point to Infinityfree servers IP Address.


If you already have one, upload it via FTP. If not, install WordPress or Joomla and start building your website.

Thank you,
I have just done that and it redirects to the ip,
But I get redirected to suspend domain even though I have installed Wordpress already.

you might also need to add it through Addon/parked domains.


Is that IP point to your main hosting correctly?
Where did you get that IP from?

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