I have ssl certificate activated but I still have http

I have activated the ssl certificate for three months, but my website keeps showing as http. How do I get it to be generated directly as https?


I have already created the folder and the “htacces” file but it has no effect

The files name is .htaccess?

first I have to create a folder .htacces and then upload a file with the codes saved as .htacces.

No, in the main htdocs you create the file .htaccess

Yes, I have created the file in the main menu as .htacces and inside the file pasted with codes that recommend me as .htacces.

What is your site URL?

hostlite.epizy.com, now I get denied when modifying access …

If I create the folder in the main menu as .htacces. The web is activated again but it does not have https

Finally managed to fix the error, the solution is, you must enter FileManager / HTDOCS Folder / and there paste the document saved as .htaccess (there is no file to create)


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