I need several information (WordPress)

domain : tasimaciyizdeneme.cf

Veritabanı ismi

Kullanıcı adı

Veritabanı parolası

Veritabanı sunucusu

Tablo ön eki

Bu bilgilere doğru bir şekilde ulaşamıyorum.

Parola için kayıp parolo işlemine başvurdum. ama mail gelmedi

Please speak in English! Here is the translation, powered by Google Translate as I don’t know Turkish that well:

You need to use the database host and database name from the “MySQL Databases” section of the Control Panel, along with the username and the password you can find by logging into your Client Area, clicking on your hosting account, scrolling down to “Account Details” and clicking on “Show/Hide” to show the password, to connect to the database. For the table prefix, you can either leave it as default or customize it as you want, but I suggest you to leave it as default if you don’t know what it is.


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