I want to upload a one page .jpg as the entire webpage

I opened a webpage: www.DEANRVONGERMETEN.rf.gd

I want to upload a one page .jpg as the entire webpage.
Can someone advise me the simplest way to do that?
I have zero experience with coding and am a bit over-

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Hello TwilyHoney; thank you for your helpful reply! Now I have only one other question, how do I upload my image to the domain/url? I cannot find the links from the file manager/control panel to the domain.

Itā€™s simple. Using File manager!

You need to use the path /[domainname] or /htdocs

  • Prepare your image file (e.g.: image.jpg). Remember its filename.
  • Make index.html file. Its content:
<img src="image.jpg" />

image.jpg = your image filename

  • Go to your client area.
    Choose your hosting account, then select File Manager menu.
  • Click htdocs folder.
  • Upload your files above (index.html & image.jpg) inside that folder.
  • Done.

Simple for you because you know how. I am not a coder.
Why no clear instructions written anywhere?

I believe @adisp007 has written very clear instructions (in my opinion), they are above ^

I am not getting any upload options, place to write code or where to move it to; the menu is very spare.

it is not giving me any platform to write or upload any code.
There are inherent gaps in the instructions. I cannot ā€œmake (any index.html) fileā€ the feature doesnā€™t exist

Because it is not a feature. You have to make the file by going to the file manager and opening the htdocs folder. You then click the ā€˜+ā€™ button and click ā€˜Create fileā€™. After that, you name it index.html

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Bro everyone starts like a Noob as like me. Itā€™s nothing new.
Have you checked the knowledgebase?

You can make it on your PC. Prepare all of your files on your PC. :sweat_smile:

Then click link that I posted above (Go to your client area / https://app.infinityfree.net).
You will see something like this:

Itā€™s your Client Area.

After you click File Manager, you will see something like this:

Then you can use the menu below it like this:

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Thank you, I got the file uploaded to file manager, what I donā€™t understand is how to get it from file manager to the domain url

Assuming I understand, If you upload hi.html to /htdocs, then go to [yourwebsite]/hi.html

Itā€™s a .jpg, thereā€™s no html code. Thereā€™s no feature at the url to save what I type in.

If you follow my tutorial above to create index.html file, you just visit your domain (deanrvongermeten.rf.gd or deanrvongermeten.rf.gd/index.html). Then, the page will appear with your image.

But, if you want to upload only your image, then you can access it by visiting deanrvongermeten.rf.gd/your-image-name.jpg (if the image type is .jpg).

Make sure you upload all of your files to htdocs folder on your File Manager.

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You said:

  • Prepare your image file (e.g.: image.jpg ). Remember its filename.
  • Make index.html file. Its content:
<img src="image.jpg" />

image.jpg = your image filename

  • Go to your client area.
    Choose your hosting account, then select File Manager menu.
  • Click htdocs folder.
  • Upload your files above ( index.html & image.jpg ) inside that folder.
  • Done.

I donā€™t know how to make the index.html file. I mean itā€™s there already, but I donā€™t know how to write code into it to move my jpeg file into it. Index.html seems to have nothing there. Index2.html has an edit button and a page with html code that can be edited. My image file is in the htdocs folder but i donā€™t know how to move it to the url.

index.html can be made by these ways:

  • Select [+] box button/icon on File Manager menu & choose New File... (same way with you choose Upload File... ).
    Then give the file a name: index.html
    Put code above inside it. Save.


  • On your PC, using a software such as Notepad++ or Atom.
    After it was made, then upload it to your hosting via File Manager (same way with you uploaded your image).

You can also just edit that index2.html . Delete all its code inside it, then put new code above.

After that, you can just visit your domain.

Btw, what is your image filename?

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When I try to add code and save to index2.html it says error FTP upload permission denied.