Increasing of maximum upload file size

I have been trying to increase my maximum upload filesize but i could not

The file size limit (and corresponding upload limit) is fixed on 10 MB and cannot be increased.

If you want to offer a downloadable file which is bigger than 10 MB, please use an external file sharing service like Mediafire. If you’re just trying to install a script, plugin or theme to your website, please download the script manually, extract it on your computer and upload the extracted files using an FTP client like FileZilla.

i tried to upload an image which size is 1.1 MB but it did not uploaded.

@Shivam said:
i tried to upload an image which size is 1.1 MB but it did not uploaded.

I get the same problem

How are you uploading the files? FTP? A file manager (which one?)? A form on your own website?

i want to upload image in database

image of 700 kb is easily uploaded but more that 1Mb not upload in database.

and i also want to know
in my.ini file

and i also want to know
in my.ini file

@Shivam said:
and i also want to know
in my.ini file

Those settings are related to performance tuning of the MySQL databases, not PHP. The technology to customize those on a per account basis simply does not exist yet. You can only customize those settings if you manage your own MySQL database servers.

@Shivam said:
image of 700 kb is easily uploaded but more that 1Mb not upload in database.

I would highly recommend against storing images in a SQL database. User uploads should be stored either as files on your account or on a specialized file sharing service, because storing files in a database is bad for performance.