/index.html is broken but same page works fine as /in.html . What should i do now ?

If i enter This Page it opens as it is, works fine. But same page is uploaded as index.html but it shows broken page . I have used CSS & JAVAscript in this page. I am using Cloudflare too. I tried by clearing cach and resetting all browser setting.
Right now I have enabled page redirect to /in.html . But index.html is he basic root/directory file . so please fix it. What should i do now ?

Try to put the in.html code AS IS in index.html, becuase the source code in index.html is different.
Then, inform us of the change.

Please do not make twice a topic for the same issue, I have answered in your previous one.
Making a second topic for the same problem won’t help you.

i am sorry, is it possible to delete post? somehow, the problem seemed to be fixed now.

Thanks, I was also thinking the same when I created stupid post How to delete your IF account, but only @Admin can delete posts and I do not know if he will do it.

@ChrisPAR said:
Thanks, I was also thinking the same when I created stupid post How to delete your
#IF account,
but only @Admin can delete posts and I do not know if he will do it.
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: XD XD
what a topic :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Did he delete it?

No, never, although I asked him many times.

I see you’re using Cloudflare on your website. Please note that Cloudflare’s website performance optimization is mostly caching, which means it might take a bit longer for changes to be visible.

But in this case, @ChrisPAR is right: the pages are actually different. They have different HTML codes and link to different CSS files.

**If i enter This Page it opens as it is, works fine. But same page is uploaded as index.html but it shows broken page . I have used CSS & JAVAscript in this page. I am using Cloudflare too. I tried by clearing cach and resetting all browser setting.

Right now I have enabled page redirect to /in.html . But index.html is he basic root/directory file . so please fix it. What should i do now ?**

Also, both topics have been merged now. I’m sorry for the mess.

But next time, please don’t create multiple topics @AshikurRahmanShad . If you’re not sure which category you should create a topic under, then just pick one instead of posting the same message twice.

The problem is fixed .
I will take care about that.
