Infinity free SSL DNS didn't change even after 24 hours

Your domain isn’t registered; that’s why there aren’t any DNS records. If you’re trying to get SSL for subdomains - that is not possible with our tool. To get free domains you need to use Freenom.


Ok so I got the domain now what do I have to do now ?
Help pls

Point it to our nameservers ( and, wait a while until it’s propagated and add it on the Parked Domains section of the Control Panel.

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Thx that’s all done: “( Point it to our nameservers ( and”
I’m sorry one more question how do I know when it’s propagated?

If you can add the domain on the hosting account then you know the nameserver change is propagated. You can check it through online tools like DigWebInterface. Just replace with your domain and click on Dig.

thx for your help

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The issue is caused by the Cloudflare integration in the control panel. It breaks many things, including the Custom CNAME Records feature.

To fix this, you can disable the Cloudflare integration and wait for a few hours.

Alternatively, you can just use Cloudflare’s Universal SSL, and skip generating an SSL certificate with us in the first place.

If you want our SSL AND want to use Cloudflare, you can disable our Cloudflare integration and manage your own DNS records with Cloudflare instead. But please note: if you’re using Cloudflare’s nameservers, you should also setup the CNAME records at Cloudflare.


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