Installation Failed - Softaculous

Hey, I was just wandering why is it that when I try to install this certain installation it doesn’t go through? It would fail the installation.

Can you please reupload the image in a higher resolution? I can’t read the text in the thumbnail. is a good free image hosting service.

Never mind, I figured it out, mostly this specific software requires a lot of space, it’s probably too big for my current hosting plan.

I just noticed you were trying to install OSSN. That script is not supported because it requires the data folder to be outside the website folder, which isn’t possible here due to security restrictions.

Thanks, it should really be removed if it isn’t supported.

@Officialgking said:
Thanks, it should really be removed if it isn’t supported.

You’re right, and OSSN has already been removed from Softaculous.

Well I wanted to thank you for your answers, it does make sense.