Installing Phantom JS and Casper JS

I would like to install Phantom Js and Casper JS library. There is no Terminal / SSH access. How to install them ?

@vsriram92 said:
I would like to install Phantom Js and Casper JS library. There is no Terminal / SSH access. How to install them ?

SSH / Terminal is isabled & blocked by Infinity, the admin also said don’t even bother installing something like Shell or something? because it will get your account suspended.

I’m not familiar with those particular libraries, but I can tell you that the only way you can run code on InfinityFree is by having a PHP script accessed through a URL. Other programming languages or command line access is not available.

Advanced languages like Node.js are very uncommon with shared hosting. You’ll have more luck with a VPS or a more developer centric hosting service rather than a website hosting service.