Issues with SSL

Username epiz_29287951


Error Message

I have fixed everything, but my website doesn’t show the secure lock / even though it has SSL on. I even checked it on SSL checker they told me you should dm ssl providers. (another screenshot)

You are loading your site in HTTP. If you load in https ( it will work fine. See the article below on how to force this for all your visitors.

No issue with your certificate which installed!

Please force all traffic to https by adding below lines in your
.htaccess file

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} =http
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

Or read the below article!


I have an issue on it when I open HTTPS it’s blank nothing in there…

Try clearing your cache or using a different browser.

I did it nothing happend.

That’s weird considering it worked before…

Maybe wait a bit and see what happens.

When it was on http:// it worked fine when I swapped it into HTTPS it got broken, maybe I just should re-put files and see if it works.

I checked the website and it seems that your theme is including jQuery from It’s hardcoded to http instead of https. And for security browsers will not load HTTP assets on a HTTPS website.

Please change that URL in your code to https to fix this.

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