Just started using InfinityFree and when i try to setup wordpress, it works but shows this

Hello there, my website URL is tech128.ca

I just started using infinityfree and i installed wordpress using softaculous on my website. The installation completed with no problems, but when i try to access my website, instead of seeing the actual website, i see this:

Why is this happening? Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

It’s fine to me.

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The first time you create/add your website onto InfinityFree (or any host), it can take anywhere between 20 minutes to a few hours, for it to be visibly ready.

I believe this is because of DNS propagation. In simple terms:

  • InfinityFree tells everyone (usually your ISPs) that your website is ready, and then you have to wait for the ISPs to update and include your website.

Once this is done, you can update your website (as in change your files/pages) instantly.


Did you notice the flashing orange banner when you open your hosting account in the client area? It should be there, and reference this article:



alright thanks!

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