Lost my phpmyadmin user and password

My website URL is: bloxtown.epizy.com

What I’m seeing is: I can’t sign into phpmyadmin. Therefore I cannot finish my project.

All I see is the phpmyadmin login page.

I’m using this software: Windows 10.


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Welcome @Euphics :slightly_smiling_face:

According to the knowledge base article below you may need to have your database permissions reset.

(edit/added by Steve2854, after you’ve exhausted all other possibilities, thanks for clarifying @Admin, I was hoping that would go without saying, follow the KB and when nothing else worked ask for a reset. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot)

@Admin might investigate and verify it is your phpadmin you’re trying to access and perform a DB permissions reset for you.


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Only if the other options have been exhausted. So exhaust those first, or resetting the permissions won’t help and just wastes everyone’s time.

Why do you need a phpMyAdmin username and password in the first place? You should just be able to hit the phpMyAdmin button from your control panel and access your databases that way. Signing into phpMyAdmin directly is not supported.


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