Making a redirect causes me to get a 403

When I’m on cpanel, I go to domain redirects, select the domain that I’m using, and then it asks me for the address to redirect it to. When I enter the IP(something along the lines of 12.345.678.90) and press redirect it, it gives me this error: Forbidden

You don’t have permission to access /panel/indexpl.php on this server.

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks.

The redirects tool doesn’t allow you to forward to an IP address. Although I do agree that the Forbidden page is a big of a clumsy way to block that.

In any case, you can’t use the Redirects tool for this, but you can still setup the redirect yourself through your .htaccess file or with a PHP script. There are plenty of articles and examples online to help you set that up.


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