Maximum Upload Size Server Configuration

Error Message

The following item exceeds the maximum upload size allowed (128.0MB) by your server configuration:
localhost-wordpress-lms-rwosvb.wpress (1.4) GB

I am trying to import my file into the htdocs/wp-content/al1wm-backups folder but it is too large. I am not tech savvy, please help me figure out how to upload my website to the server in the easiest way?

I was trying to use all-in-one migration tool but the import file size is too large for the free version to import it directly through the Wordpress dashboard

1.4 Gigabytes??? Holy moly. I don’t think you can put a 1.4 gigabyte file onto the iFastNet servers. I think you need to start all over again, Sorry.

(Max Upload to FTP: 10MB)
(PHP Upload: 128MB)


Can i upload it using FTP or is it still too big?

The max file size allowed to upload to InfinityFree’s servers is 10MB.
You must extract the files in your local machine and upload them by FTP.

You can use this to extract the files from your .wpress file:


Yup! To upload whatever is in that 1 gig file :grimacing:, you need to use a ftp client such as FileZilla. I had to upload some files for a program on my test site and it was too big to upload. Luckily, FileZilla is free and open-source, and got the job done! You need to first have the unzipped version of the files or folder in your computer… then connect to ftp and then just upload the contents of the unzipped folder to the htdocs folder! (TIP1: The credentials for your FTP login is in the client area)(TIP2: Make sure everything in that one gig folder/files is really needed because the process is going to take quite the while :+1:)

Hope this helps!
-Casmat :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

So I have decided to upload it using the FTP with filezilla using Duplicator plugin. My problem is that I have copied the installer files

Thanks so much! I will try this now :slight_smile:

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