Meta tag

Hi lm ryan my website is if you search for caspiantexrose you will find my website l want my website description to be like your website description if you search infinityfree you will find sign up ,Affordable Domain Names, InfinityFree, Support articles and 2 more can you please give me the code for that l really need it for my website description

infinityfree - Google Search - Google Chrome 3_29_2020 8_40_49 AM

infinityfree - Google Search - Google Chrome 3_29_2020 8_40_49 AM

this is what l mean :point_up_2:

Those I believe are from a sitemap. But you can’t grab a random sitemap generator because it won’t work.

if l make a there should be a test under my website tag?

but if you search for apple you will find apple support the link is

by the way what kind of site map do l need xml/html

Anyone will do, but you have to write it by hand.


However imagine l did write it what do l need to do after it will pop up??

Have you made one

Yes. Let me know when you are done writing it.

How can l write it

Is there a website or a video on youtube

Ho should it be a html or xml site map

is this wrong or right

These links will explain and help you.

my website is 1 page