Putting my site in PHP is a real problem for me

Username : epiz_30720945

Voila depuis maintenant un petit moment que je développe mon site internet, et j’ai apprécié les différents service de infinityfree. Maintenant que je m’y connait en HTML j’ai développé mon site en PHP (de façon très simpliste, c’est à dire de simple balise qui importe le code HTML d’autre page (comme une balise PHP, qui importe le code de ma barre de navigation…). J’ai vais mon code sur infinityfree, et rien, pas de site, absolument rien. J’ai donc fait mes recherches et j’ai découvert qu’il fallait activer des éléments pour que le PHP fonctionne. Hors toutes les vidéos YouTube sur lesquelles j’ai pus tombé, présentait cette installation sous une ancienne version de infinityfree. Alors je viens vous voir pour savoir comment le faire, car il me devient problématique de modifier le code HTML de ma barre de navigation sur mes 89 pages…

Merci d’avance, MarcusIsLion

voici mon site internet :

Please type in English as this is an English forum.


Good morning,
I have been developing my website for a while now, and I have enjoyed the various services of infinityfree. Now that I knew HTML, I developed my site in PHP (in a very simplistic way, that is to say a simple tag that imports the HTML code from another page (like a PHP tag, that imports the code from my navigation bar. . . ). I’m going my code on infinityfree, and nothing, no site, absolutely nothing. So I did my research and discovered that you had to activate elements for PHP to work. Out of all the YouTube videos I could come across, presented this installation as an old version of infinityfree. So I come to see you to know how to do it, because it becomes difficult for me to change the HTML code of my navigation bar on my 89 pages. . .

Thanks in advance, MarcusIsLion

This may be preventing you

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this does not help me because it is not written how to publish your website in PHP

You can put the navbar code in a php file and then include them in the destination file.

the problem is that infinityfree does not recognize PHP for me, at the moment…

Wdym?? Can you tell the error?

InfinityFree has a PHP server, however you have to tell it to use it. You can do this by creating files with a .php extension and uploading them to the server.

So instead of using index.html and Twitch.html, use index.php and Twitch.php


If your page starts to render, and then just stops, it may be that our server is loading your PHP code, but the code is crashing.

If you open the developer tools in your browser and then check the Network tab, you should see more information of the request to your site. If it says the status code is 200, then that’s good. If it says 500, it means your code crashed.

If your code did crash, you can view the error message by enabling display_errors on your site:


I don’t have an error message. Sorry…

yes but even with, PHP tags don’t work…

I’ll check that out.

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