Mi cuenta a sido suspendida.

Mi cuenta se acabo de suspender mientras probaba un plugin llamado PHP.JAVA Bridge en un servidor que acababa de crear. Solo queria saber su funcionamiento y como cargaba en su Web. No intento abusar de su plataforma. Estuve dias trabajando en un servidor llamado Otak, un foro para la comunidad donde comparte sus experiencias y aficiones. Tengo datos muy delicados alli, y realment no quiero perderlos. Este es mi sitio


Ya envie ticket sobre mi caso. Realmente me siento apenado si use su servicio indebidamente, solo deseaba probar el funcionamiento de algunas plugins para correr Java. Pero ya no lo necesito, solo me importa mi sitio Web que me tomo dias realizarlo.

My account was just suspended while I was trying a plugin called PHP.JAVA Bridge on a server I had just created. I just wanted to know how it worked and how it was loading on your website. I do not try to abuse your platform. I spent days working on a server called Otak, a forum for the community where they share their experiences and hobbies. I have very sensitive data there, and I really do not want to lose them. This is my site


I already send a ticket about my case. I really feel sorry if I use your service improperly, I just wanted to test the operation of some plugins to run Java. But I do not need it anymore, I only care about my website that I take days to do it.

Please. Help Me!