My account got blocked dang29 and epiz_21632894

epiz_21632894 or

(please specify the website or account you are asking about)

Error Message

I was working on my website and now it is blocked for some unknown reason. It is not able to find out the reason. Please help me out.

What do you mean by ‘it is blocked’?


It shows my account has been suspended and I got a email saying the same. But I there is no reason mentioned and I am not able to get out my data as well.

it is on client area.

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How can I fix this?


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That is about the suspension but how can I get my data back?

Depends on the type of suspension…


It turns out the anti-fraud system did a mistake in identifying the website. I hope it gets fine soon.

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If it is an abuse suspension,you should be able to create a support ticket in cpanel/vpanel

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