My homepage shows the default page by infinityfree part 2

Ok Sir, but what do you recommend i do now to view my website?

Thanks for sharing the video link. Fortunately, the account username was visible there so I could look it up and see what actually happened. Although the video actually shows the suspension logs too.

In the logs visible in the video you can see that the account hit the IO limit very often. The IO limit is a quite hard to understand how it works and it’s correlated with website usage. But looking at the website, I would guess that the multiple backup and migration plugins installed are what’s causing the high IO usage. Packing up and restoring a full site, especially from PHP code, is quite stressful to the server, so being limited like that is expected.

That’s just one more reason why we always recommend against using backup plugins: they stress the servers and blow through your resource limits.

Of course, the person whose sites got suspended never knew this, because this person decided to rant on YouTube instead of come here for help. Because of course it’s easy to say that you’re not being helped well if you don’t ask for help in the first place.


Tnx for detailed answer but now i notice there is a horrible ~10second delay before my page even starts to load.

And it doesn’t even have traffic yet. I’m moving my page to my payed hosting, i see this is only gonna be trouble.

Now there is no delay but i caught it twice at random today already, 5-10 sec before page even starts to load. Not acceptable.

Again, this time it was 15 seconds or more delay before it started loading. Bye bye infinity.

If it is not acceptable, you shd upgrade to premium hosting.
It means you are either using too much resource or you misconfigured your website.
Do not blame Infinity.

Looking at your website, I can see your are using WordPress. As WordPress can be quite heavy on server resources(if you are using lots of plugins), you shd use web caching plugin to mitigate the delay you are experiencing.

Nonsense, i am using most basic WP installation, simple free theme with few basic, most non demanding plugins. Nothing is misconfigured, this hosting is not what it claims to be.

Again 15 seconds before it starts to load the page, what a joke.

Stop whining… Maybe you shd get a free domain from freenom and try again.
Free subdomains do have this issue.

Don’t speak bs, i am just seeing confirmation for what others were saying and it has nothing to do with domain. This is not a reliable hosting, not something i would ever put my clients website on. I already decided to stay on my payed hosting.

To each his/her own. Choose which hosting is most suitable for you. Wishing you the best.

The first page load after a period of no traffic always takes a little bit longer. Your account needs to be “warmed up” first. This is also the case with most premium hosting services, although the wait time is usually shorter due to the faster servers.


No, if yes, it’s so short it is totally undetectable. I been on a payed hosting for more than 10 years.

I’m trying to backup my site with All-in-One WP Migration but it doesn’t allow even that, complete WP installation is 53MB, every time it downloads 9,6MB connection breaks, i assume due to file size limit. How to solve this.

Do not try that and we do not recommend it since it will just crash your site, you should download your wordpress site using filezilla.


But WP site cannot be just downloaded over ftp right, what about bases and all.

My fingers are too tired to type long, making it short with linking to an article:


I downloaded the base and i am transfering over FTP but it’s almost 450MB!

It’s actually more now in queue, is this wrong.