My site doesn't work

Can you see the site ome now please?

No - bad NS - TEST

No I can’t post full of my URL here therfore I wrote it in this form

OK :slight_smile:

Error 522 from CF

How will I fix this problem please?

Currently I see that domain is parked on GoDaddy (through cloudflare)

Check DNS data for your domain on your CloudFlare
it should start with 185.27. (pointing to our servers)

Is this right?

You see it’s not right
Besides, you don’t need to have double A record for domain

find your IP here and type it in A record (blue text in img)

I did


Where did you come up with that IP number? :scream:
As far as I know the range should be -

I’m going to sleep - late here.
I hope that admin in the morning will help you and check all the condition !

and please

You need to find the Main Domain using this screenshot, or the guide above:

Then copy it without the “Main Domain” part and create a CNAME record, deleting the A record that was before of it, with my CloudFlare settings (some things are optional):

It says exists :disappointed_relieved:

Try to only copy the CNAME record for your domain by using the image above yours, not for www, and delete the other A records.

I’am sorry, I canceled the Domain and returned the money, cause I tired

Is it so hard to erase the wrong A record that contains the wrong IP
and then simply add a new A record with the real IP you found this way?

I think infinityfree doesn’t support SSL never

I used many sites where support free SSL but infinityfree reject them

Now is this right?

:persevere: Really Simple SSL failed to detect a valid SSL certificate. If you do have an SSL certificate, try to reload this page over https by clicking this button:

You’re using the Self-Signed Certificate. Click on “I understand the risks and wish to continue” to use the Self-Signed Certificate, otherwise point again the domain to Cloudflare with their nameservers and use this command on a Terminal of a Mac/Linux system:
dig +short
, where should be replaced with the Main Domain that you can find on the Control Panel, to get the IP, or use a dig tool like or Google Dig to get it. After that replace with the IP you’ve found with the dig method.