My website is not loading anymore.. I guess it's a hosting error



I would like to know why my webpage is not loading anymore. It appears on hold, loading for more than 40-60 seconds then appears an error from the server.

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I think hosting is having problems, same to on my website

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@precisiontimepieces, although your website takes a long time to load, it is working.

@yuniar_angga, your website is working as well.

You guys can try clearing your cache to see if that helps.


Your website loads slowly, but that’s not just InfinityFree’s fault, you could try speeding up your site by using a caching plugin. The best one I had experience with is wp optimize.

Try doing what Google PageSpeed insights suggests.

To make your site load faster around the world, you can use a CDN such as CloudFlare (it’s free!)


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