My website is not ssl certified in microsoft edge

Forums username:thebatblasster1k

So basically yesterday I had gotten my website ssl certified using ZeroSSL for the provider and when you try it on chrome it says secure or opera secure etc… But when someone try’s searching it up on edge it says not secure. I was reading an forum about this problem and how I can flow the traffic to https:// but I feel like doing that is not necessary. I feel like normally when someone searches on ANY web browser it should automatically be secure BECAUSE I already have it ssl certified. Can anyone help me out with this problem or any way I can fix something. Thank you.

I checked on zerossl compatibility list and edge is not listed :frowning:

you’ll have to try another ssl provider

Ahh, there are no other providers this was the only one that says I can use. Thanks for your answer though, that clears up things…

no other providers this was the only one that says I can use. Thanks for your answer though, that clears up things…

I am using Gogetssl now, how can I delete my other provider, the zerossl one

Forums username:thebatblasster1k

I have tried the gogetssl provider because it apparently works with the Microsoft edge browser as well. When I go to my website still says not secure…

What’s happening is that you are not redirecting all traffic to HTTPS, so you visit your website via HTTP and that’s why it shows as insecure. The following guide should help you:


ZeroSSL is supported on Edge, you can demonstrate that by visiting my ZeroSSL testing website Just because a browser isn’t listed doesn’t mean it’s not supported, and since Edge is built on Chromium and Chrome is supported most Chromium browsers should be as well.


ah ! thanks

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